Over 23 million Americans watched the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show on Tuesday night. The show was filmed a week earlier in Shanghai. International headlines were made when Angel Ming Xi fell on the beginning of her walk down the runway. It was no surprise because she was wearing 6-inch heels, with a giant headpiece, a […]
Month: November 2017
A Day In My Old Life
I wake up, and for a good 30 seconds my mind is clear and I do not immediately start to replay what I ate the night before. I am simply thinking of what my day will bring. Then, I remember what I did in the kitchen … the ice cream, the cookies, the leftover cupcakes […]
Sugar Isn’t Sweet
My kids are always so impressed by the word total of my book “Why Can’t I Stick To My Diet”. It is over 32,000. The number I am intrigued with is 370, the number of the times, I typed the word “sugar”. Sugar is a major theme of my book and how it impacted my […]
Honey or Stevia: The Choice Is Inconceivable
Remember the “Battle of Wits” scene from the Princess Bride? As a reminder, Wesley/The Man in Black a.k.a the Dread Pirate Roberts is sitting across from the really annoying bald dude, Pizzini who constantly shouts “Inconceivable” at everyone in the movie? They are going round and round about the Iocaine which is in one of […]
Do you have a Brain on Grains?
One of my biggest struggles as a Holistic Weight Loss coach is explaining to clients how sugar is also flour. To our brains and our bodies, table sugar and white flour are not really different, they are both processed as fast acting carbohydrates. If you have a problem with one, you will have a problem […]