Intermittent Fasting Challenge Group

This is a picture of me the first day I ever surfed, less than two years ago. My arms are a mess, I’m looking at my feet and I am still in the white water but I am standing up!!

Learning how to do just about anything isn’t always pretty in the beginning, which is why we need support and someone who knows how to guide us

Have you always wanted to try Intermittent Fasting but weren’t sure where to start?

Or do want to try something new with other people?

Maybe you are a little suspicious of the whole thing and want me to walk you through it?

It will be fun and you will learn all about Intermittent Fasting and why so many people, including yours truly, swear by it.

If any of these or none of these apply and you just want in anyway, send me an IM TODAY by 6 PM

I am keeping the group small, and there are a few slots open but I am doing this for FREE so when it’s closed, it’s closed.


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