Avoiding The Christmas Crazies Day 3
The Holidays can be a stress fess. Right around this time, things can start to feel a little
overwhelming. The demands on our time become bigger, life is still going on as usual and the
kids are not out for Holiday break. Lacrosse practice and Spanish tests need to fit in around the
work party, I have to see the dentist on Tuesday and the Christmas cards still need to get out. The
dog needs to go to the vet to get her shots, I have a round of edits due to my publisher and the
kids want to go to Manhattan to see the Rockettes. When will it end!?
Yesterday, we talked about making sure we get enough exercise for stress management and to
connect with our bodies. Today our focus is on Food
1) Stick to your regular food plan as much as possible during this stressful time.
As a refresher, here is my 4 Fundamentals Meal plan.
1. Three Meals a Day, No Snacking
2. Stick to the Perimeter of the Grocery Store (aka nothing processed)
3. Meal Plan, always know what you are going to eat the night before and write it down
4. Every time you eat you must have-Fiber, Protein, Fat and a Low Glycemic Carb
For greater detail, email me and I am happy to send you a copy of my #1 book “Why Can’t I
Stick To My Diet” for FREE as an early Holiday Present.
2) Remember you cannot escape the chemical reaction your brain will have to sugar, wheat and
or artificial sweetener no matter what the time of year it is. Sugar is Sugar and it wants more
Sugar. I know I am the Christmas Grinch to you right now.
3) If you have decided you really want to splurge on something you truly love, be sure you are
eating it is in an environment you can enjoy it in. Do not absentmindedly eat an entire box of
fudge after a fight with your boyfriend over New Year’s Plans. You want to go to Miami, and he
wants to go Skiing, so pass the See’s??
Food doesn’t have to be a reason to stress out, but it often is a source of much angst over the
Holidays. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at .
Tomorrow starts a 3 day series on Alcohol and the Holidays. How to drink it, what to do about it
and are there any work arounds?