FAQ-What about substitutions?
This question came up a lot in between Thanksgiving and New Years. It was usually in the form of a text or a phone call. It would go something like this “Hey Erin” “yeah” “So I wanted to know what you thought if I was to make my Mom’s peace cobbler healthier. What do you […]
The Myth of Moderation
I asked a former Pilates client how her food went over the Holidays, her response left me aa little confused “I only cheated a little, but that is ok right? moderation is the goal” I cringed because A) I never told her any such thing B) what is a little C) who says moderation is […]
Back to FAQs on Cheat Days Return of the Chemicals
The grand finale for why I am not on team Cheat Days. As much as part of me agrees with the Psychological need for a break from the mundane, and how possibly having a different type of foods to break up the monotony is a good thing, I can’t due to the chemical reaction our […]
FAQ on Cheat Days part II
Another reason to not go back to the way we used to eat with a Cheat Day, is how much easier it will be to go back again and again. Once we have made the break from the bad eating habits, to go back even for only a day, makes it so much easier to […]
FAQ on Cheat Days part I
We are back on FAQs I often get asked about Cheat Days, and I have to admit, they make me cringe. I am going to need a few days to explain my reasons for being opposed. Cheat Days reinforce the old diet mentality of being on or off. I have a way of eating, a […]