MY LIFE Day 18
Oahu, the Potato Peal Pie movie and true connection.
Last night, I was supposed to be packing for our annual family trip the Maryland shore.
I had turned on Netflix in the background and the movie “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society” was recommend.
I figured “ok, it can be on while I pack and I will finish it next week”
I didn’t pack past my socks and I was engrossed in this tale of post war Britain. The heroine’s relatable search for true connection and a place she can call home after her parents are killed during the Blitz.
The main character is an author and sure she is happen enough and her sophisticated rich and wonderful boyfriend is great but it isn’t true connection. She gets a letter from a book club on a remote island that loved her first poorly sold book from that gets the plot going.
I stopped attempting to even pack after the first 20 minutes and just watched the movie.
Lily James (of Downton Abbey and Cinderella) is the star and I loved it. Sure, it’s pretty rom-com but there as enough of a historical slant to keep me interested.
Don’t worry, it all works out in the end and I did finish packing. It also provided inspiration.
The last 18 days I had been writing on “My Life” which isn’t my most comfortable topic for social media. Truth be told, I would rather write on the benefits of Brussel sprouts or dispelling myths surrounding intermittent fasting.
I had been mulling over what I should write about myself that I hadn’t already said about avocados, my lack of patience for nonsense or how green is my go to color. I was contemplating writing about reality tv. Seriously, I was…
I used to bark at my Spinning students when when they were entering the fat burning zone and I could tell they were contemplating lowering their resistance knob thinking I couldn’t tell. “WE al to have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable- because that is where the CHANGE lives.” So, I decided to stop it already with the vegetables and the latest diet fads for the month of August.
In addition, my birthday is on the 22nd which is like my own personal New Years. If the experience was truly awful, I could always shake it off as last year right??? Even if I have to make myself do things uncomfortable things sometimes.
A geographic place I have a connection to is Oahu.
My husband and I met there, got married there, honeymooned in Maui and then promptly moved to New York, where we have been ever since.
Due to being super busy, having small children, the 13 hour flight and 6 hour time change, we have only made the family trip once.
Most school vacations we have gone to the Caribbean or Florida mostly due to proximity and ease of travel. Don’t get me wrong, they are fine locations but nothing is like Hawaii.
This picture was taken at 5am on Christmas Eve a few years ago. The kids were having a hard time with the jet lag and we went for a walk at first light. Yet, it was still a great moment.
True connection to a place, a person, to a moment is rare.
Sure, I am headed off to different beach today but I will be with people I am connected to.
I will look into going to Oahu when I am away. Life is too short not to.