So what makes the Christmas in July program so unique?

In a word: time. Coaching time with me, group time to support each other, time to truly integrate the material in your life. Change takes time,

Most of the diets or weight reduction plans I had been on were all about losing weight, NOT getting to the cause of why I gained it, addressing the root cause and learning to live life differently.

I wanted to skip past the Why part and get to the Results part. I am sure many of you were like me as well.

We will need time together one on one and as a group to do spend to tackle topics that used to blow my mind like – why we eat when we aren’t hungry – why it is so difficult to stay on a diet – how I could make peace with Food

It used to seem to me like some people effortlessly maintained their weight year after year, while others yo-yo’ed like I did never really understanding what was going on and why.

What was their secret??

Give yourself an early Holiday present this year by signing up for my VIP Masterclass.

It will be a small group of determined and focused women who have all decided health is the ultimate form of self-care and July is the perfect time to give it to ourselves.

For more info email me IM me.

Be sure to include XMAS in the message.

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