My Go-To Healthy Meal Interview Series

My Go-To Healthy Meal Interview Series reveals tips and tricks from some of the best health, food and fitness bloggers to help you achieve your goals!
I’m excited to introduce you guys to four more inspiring women who are doing amazing things in the food, health and fitness world. This week they are sharing their favourite go-to healthy meals as well as some extra tips to inspire you on your own health journey. If you haven’t read the previous interview series, be sure to check them out too!
Now let’s meet the ladies!


Kate developed a love of food (and wine!) over her years of holidaying in Italy. She created Cooking and Carafes to share her culinary creations that are simple to make, authentic and have an Italian twist (most of the time). Kate believes in eating a healthy, balanced diet and always turns to inspiration from the Mediterranean for recipe ideas.

This is my favourite dish of the moment, I love clean and simple dishes especially when they involve fish so here’s my latest recipe: Sea bass with caper and chive butter served with roasted veg and new potatoes.

This is a tough one! I’m a huge believer in a balanced diet and exercise though, I hate fad diets so would much rather eat healthy and get my body moving – I love food too much to do it any other way.

Swimming – it helps tone, doesn’t put any pressure on your joints and I find it really relaxing. I finish my swim feeling more invigorated and energised than before I went in. Running on the other hand really gets my heart pumping and I love challenging myself to beat a time, a distance or a pace!

It will come as no surprise that as a food blogger I like to indulge! Macaroni cheese with caulfilower and pancetta is one of my favourite dishes, tastes great and is a perfect comfort food so this is probably my cheesy weakness!

To be more disciplined in my exercise, I’ve got a lot better at exercising regularly but I would like to make it more habitual than it is.

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