Summer Strategies

The Summer can be many amazing things.

Full disclosure: It wasn’t always the easiest for me to manage. One of the things I used to struggle with was sticking to my food and exercise plan.

With my kids home from school, the lack of a regular schedule, all the Summer special events and foods would always lead to major food drama for me

I found it to be a more challenging time to stay healthy than the Holidays because of the length of time of the Summer and my own lack of preparation.

I didn’t have any structure for when I was going to work out, meal prep or go to the grocery store with my kids home.

Now that I know better, I have a Strategy for the Summer. I have found there is freedom and peace of mind in having structure

We will go over my Summer Strategies tips and techniques list over the month of June
How to go to an Amusement Park and NOT throw your body into a sugar coma
Meal planning with all the children in the neighborhood at your house
Outdoor workout playlists

Don’t worry if will be fun, lighthearted and school is out for the Summer!


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