The Christmas Crazies- Exercise Edition

The Holidays can be a stress fess. Right around this time, things can start to feel a little overwhelming.
The demands on our time become bigger, life is still going on as usual and the kids are not out for
Holiday break. Lacrosse practice and Spanish tests need to fit in around the work party, I have to see the
dentist on Tuesday and the Christmas cards still need to get out. The dog needs to go to the vet to get her
shots, I have a round of edits due to my publisher and the kids want to go to Manhattan to see the
Rockettes. When will it end!?

Yesterday, we talked about three ways to nurture our self-love during the Holidays. If you missed it or
need a refresher, just go to the December 6th Blog or FB post.

Today, let’s talk about avoiding Holiday Triggers by taking care of ourselves. Think of these three things
as putting money away for a rainy day so, when the rain comes we have something saved up.

For the next three days, I will be giving you tips on how to avoid the Christmas Crazies
It is so tempting to cut out our workouts in order to cross off a few more things from our to-do list.

• Instead workout for a shorter period of time and increase the intensity
• Or do a different course for your M/W/F 3 mile run.
• How about trying a new type of exercise to keep our body guessing?
• Resist the temptation to over exercise if you are feeling the Christmas Crazies.

See you tomorrow where we will be talking about Sleep.


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